Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Close Encounter 2009

The last day I hunted, I blew a great opportunity on a nice little buck that had one side of a six or eight point rack. I was at myblind at 0500 hrs, which isn't very well concealed. I dozed off and on until day light. I could hear turkeys comingoff the roost on the next hill over. It was a really nice overcast morning. I love cloudy days like this to hunt.

Exactly at 0808 hrs, my tailbone and lower back were needing some relief from sitting in one positon for so long. I slowly stood up and stretched a little. The opportunity was a good time to make my bladder gladder so I laid my rifle down and proceeded to relieve myself.

Just as I was going REALLY good, I SAW HIM! He was no more than 15 yards straight ahead of me and slightly to the left! Where the h*** did he come from? I'd been looking that direction all morning and I swear he wasn't there a second ago! But there he was, quietly watching me...intently.

I hate to multi-task when it comes to hunting. I was desperately trying to cut off in midstream and not get it all over myself, at the same time, not get caught in my zipper for an unscheduled circumcision. With my rifle just barely out of reach, I couldn't get to it without spooking him. He just stood there motionless wondering what in the world I was doing. Just as I shouldered the rifle, there he was...GONE.

How dumb of me not to check all around before moving the way I did. I prayed to God early that morning to have a close encounter so I wouldn't have to drag my deer a long distance as I have had to do with all my other deer that I've taken from the same stand. They've always been at the bottom of the steep hill below my stand. Draggin' deer uphill 10 years after heart surgery STILL sucks.

Well, God answered that prayer in His own time. I guess He needed a good laugh and decided to pull this practical joke on me. I'm sure He thought it was hilarious to watch me scramble around. I'm somewhat embarrassed how it all turned out but it was still a GREAT hunt even though I didn't harvest a deer.

It just goes to show that God does hear your prayers, even when you think he's too busy with other more important issues. Just be READY at any given time, at a moments notice. You'll have an opportunity of a lifetime in a perhaps most unexpected way when God decides to smile on you.

The main firearms season is over but the second firearms is around thecorner including the muzzleoader season. I still have a chance to fill anempty tag.


PS. This season, I saw a total of nine deer and a bunch of turkeys on this stand. I missed a big doe at 200 yards. Maybe I should say, I shot just to see how close I could come without hitting her. Yeah, that's it! That's my story and I'm sticking to it.